

Say hello to Jahyyah, a happy and inquisitive nineteen-year-old. When you meet her in person, Jahyyah will greet you warmly with her beautiful and contagious smile. Pleasant, kind, and welcoming, she is terrific young person and Jahyyah is ready to find her forever family.

Like most teens, she loves trips to the movies, local shopping malls and amusement parks. When home, her favorite daily pastime is playing on her tablet and watching television. Jahyyah’s favorite shows are cooking shows, and when inspired, Jahyyah likes to cook too. Jahyyah enjoys getting out in the fresh air and the outdoors activities like taking walks, playing kickball or swinging on the swing set.

She needs a caring and committed family that can help her continue to reach her full potential. Jahyyah enjoys one-on-one attention and likes being with youth her age. She would fit right into a family that spends a lot of time together, whether out at the mall or having a movie night. While she has not lived with pets yet, Jahyyah does enjoy interacting with animals, so she welcomes the chance to live with some furry friends. Jahyyah would bring a lifetime of happiness and joy into any home.

For more information about Jahyyah, and other youth ready for their permanent homes, contact us at [email protected] or 267-443-1872. The Adoption Center is a private, non-profit organization that creates permanent environments for children in foster care through public awareness, advocacy, family-finding, and well-organized adoption match events to spark and sustain the strongest placements. Learn more at

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